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nightfall kenshin
nightfall kenshin nightfall kenshin
characters welcome Welcome to the brand spankin' new Nightfall Kenshin! This has been one of my favorite anime series for a long time and I finally got around to constructing the site ^_^;;

This site contains info on the anime series (not the manga) - TV series, OAV, and movie. I have yet to get my hands on all of the manga! Once I get it you can be sure to find the info here.

nightfall kenshin
episode list
message board
recent updates
03.20.02: New Kenshin Seisouhen clips and Seisouhen info added!
02.19.02: New KENSHIN SEISOUHEN video!!!
11.01.01: Added new artbook scans!
10.09.01: Added the new mp3 section!

arcticnightfall.com - nightfall 5.x
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Rurouni Kenshin ©1995 Watsuki-sensei / TV Series US Release ©2000 Media Blasters / OAV and Movie US release ©2000 ADVFilms
ArcticNightfall.com ©1995 - 2001 Icefall / Nightfall 5.x designed for IE 5.5+ 800x600+